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Sermons from August 2022

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August 28, 2022

The Woman at the Well Witnesses about Jesus

Speaker: Rev. David Senters Series: John's Gospel Topic: Sermons Verse: John 4:27–42

August 21, 2022

What Do You Do When You Do Not Get Your Way?

Speaker: Travis Peacock Series: Jeremiah Topic: Evening Sermon Verse: Jeremiah 15:1–21

August 21, 2022

Rules and Exception to the Growth of the Kingdom

Speaker: Travis Peacock Series: Luke Topic: Sermons Verse: Luke 13:18–22

August 14, 2022

The Bitter Providence of the Drought

Speaker: Travis Peacock Series: Jeremiah Topic: Evening Sermon Verse: Jeremiah 14:1–22

August 14, 2022

Jesus Witnesses to the Woman at the Well

Speaker: Rev. David Senters Series: John's Gospel Topic: Sermons Verse: John 4:1–26

August 7, 2022

Good For Nothing

Speaker: Travis Peacock Series: Jeremiah Topic: Evening Sermon Verse: Jeremiah 13:1–22

August 7, 2022

He Must Increase, but I Must Decrease

Speaker: Rev. David Senters Series: John's Gospel Topic: Sermons Verse: John 3:22– 22:26