We meet for Sunday School (9:30 am), and Sunday Worship (10:30 am & 5:30 pm). Access sermons via Facebook here

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New Covenant has a number of committees that help members use their gifts in the service of Christ. These committees are under the oversight of the elders and deacons. However, each committee has a chair member. If you would like to serve on one of these ministry teams, please reach out to the appropriate committee chairperson. Here are all of the committees and chairpersons that can be contacted by emailing the church office at newcovpres@gmail.com

Christian Education: Rev. David Senters
Missions / Outreach Ministry: Travis Peacock
Youth Director / Youth Ministry: David Prussia
Children’s Ministry Committee:Andrea Mingledorff
Nursery Ministry: Andrea Mingledorff
Music Ministry: Travis Peacock
Military Ministry Committee
Mercy Ministry: Deacons
Deacons Ministry:
Hospitality Committee
Meals Ministry: Women's Ministry
Food / Fellowship Ministry: Women's Ministry
Women’s Ministry Committee: Michelle Shepherd
Greeter / Visitor Welcome: Rob Shepherd
Coffee Ministry: Rodney Parkin
Worship / Set Up Committee: Terry Logan
Financial Committee: Bobby Wise
Building Committee
Safety Committee