Wednesday Adult Small Groups
Every second and fourth Wednesday until December 13, 2023
6:30pm – 8:00pm
Category: Bible Study Small Groups Coordinator: Rob ShepherdTwo of our Adult Small Groups meet on Wednesdays each month, at 6:30 pm.
1) Savannah: One Small Group led by Mr. John Carr meets on Wednesdays at the McCalls' home with childcare at the Prussia's home in Savannah. Contact Mr. Carr for directions. (Exception: we will not meet on Nov. 23, 2022)
2) Richmond Hill: One group led by Mr. Rob Shepherd meets on Wednesdays at Bobby Wise' house. They are studying Romans 8, a DVD teaching series by Ligonier Ministries. Email Mr. Shepherd with your questions. (Exception: we will not meet on Nov. 23, 2022)
Small Groups are a great opportunity for the members of New Covenant to live in community with one another. They are also a great platform for inviting friends and neighbors, and for us to be on mission together as a church in Richmond Hill.
We would love for you to join us in any one of these studies! Please email for group leader contact information and they will be able to provide any answers that you need (e.g., address, topic, childcare information, etc.)
Note: Another one of our Adult Small Groups meet on the 2nd and 4th Tuesdays each month, at 6:30 pm. This Small Group led by Rev. David Senters meets on Tuesdays at the Guenzels' home at 6:30 pm in Richmond Hill. Childcare is available at the Long's home. Contact Rev. David Senters for details. (Note: we will meet on Nov. 22 but childcare is not available.)
Nov / Dec: The 3 Small Groups will not meet the week of Christmas. They will have their Small Group Christmas Parties on December TBD. Contact the leaders directly for details or email the church office.