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Women's Bible Study

Women's Bible Study


This study meets on the 1st and 3rd Wednesdays of the month

Start Time:  6:30 pm 

Date:  Begins Jan 17, 2018

Facilitators: Lisa Beth Smith and Mary Pat Byrd

Where:  Meets at the home of Anna Batzig in Richmond Hill, Georgia

Childcare will be provided

RSVP:  Email newcovpreswomen@gmail.com to join this study and to get the location address.


Nielson’s study allows readers to delve into one of the most compelling Old Testament narratives, in the story of Nehemiah leading God’s people to rebuild Jerusalem’s walls after the exile. The study aims to lead students of the Word to examine the text carefully and to apply it meaningfully and well. Ten lessons include helpful background and questions which both set the story in its historical context and also illumine the larger biblical context of God’s redemptive plan. Nehemiah offers us an instructive example of great leadership, in his godly courage and prayerful spirit. But Nehemiah offers us more than an example; he also points us to God’s sovereign plan to work through his people according to his promises and for his redemptive purposes in Jesus Christ. Nielson leads us to peer into the dramatic story of God’s people led by a godly leader at a crucial point in salvation history. 


Ten fill-in-the-blank Bible studies. Spiral Bound. Includes Notes for Leaders, Book Outline, Timelines, Geographical Map of Nehemiah's World, and a sketch of the Temple walls.


About the author:  Kathleen grew up in St. Louis and attended Wheaton College, where she earned a B.A. in English and French, sang in the Women’s Glee Club – and met her husband Niel.  She completed her M.A. and Ph.D. in literature at Vanderbilt University, and has taught in the English departments of Vanderbilt, Bethel College (MN), and Wheaton.  In recent years, Kathleen has spent the majority of her professional life writing, teaching, and speaking on biblical books and topics.  She has authored numerous Bible studies as well as various books and edited volumes.  To learn more about the author, go to http://www.kathleennielson.com/.