Newspapers or Holiness: Who is the One Truly Waiting on the Return of the Lord?
October 3, 2021 Speaker: Travis Peacock Series: 2 Peter: The Apostle's Quest to Destroy False Doctrine
Topic: 2 Peter Verse: 2 Peter 3:10–18
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Marks of people who are truly looking for the return of the Lord (what it truly means to live as if you believe Jesus Christ is going to return):
1. They are living the holy life.
2. They are investing in eternity.
3. They believe the promises.
4. They understand the purpose of the delay.
5. They stand guard against false doctrine.

More in 2 Peter: The Apostle's Quest to Destroy False Doctrine
September 5, 2021
The Long Fuse of GodAugust 22, 2021
The Perils of Cruise ControlAugust 15, 2021
Peter’s View of the Last Days: An Introduction to 2 Peter 3