Sermons from 2014
Back to Sermon ArchiveDecember 28, 2014
Jesus, Noah, Suffering and Salvation
Speaker: Nick Batzig Series: Exiled Topic: Sermons Verse: 1 Peter 3:18–22
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December 28, 2014
The Church: God's Wisdom Manifesting Work
Series: The Church Topic: Sermons Verse: Ephesians 3:7–3:11
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December 21, 2014
The New Creation Spirit of Christmas
Series: 2014 Lessons and Carols Service Topic: Sermons Verse: Luke 1:26–1:38
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December 21, 2014
A Law-Keeping Redeemer is Born
Series: Cur Deus Homo: Why the God-Man? Topic: Sermons Verse: Galatians 4:4–4:5
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December 9, 2014
The Sojourning Life and Death of Faith
Series: Memorial Service for Joanne Batzig Topic: Sermons Verse: Hebrews 11:8–12:3
November 30, 2014
Sojourning Blessing in Suffering
Speaker: Nick Batzig Series: Exiled Topic: Sermons Verse: 1 Peter 3:13–18
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November 30, 2014
Why the God-Man?
Series: Cur Deus Homo: Why the God-Man? Topic: Sermons Verse: Hebrews 2:10–2:18
November 23, 2014
A Life of Sojourning Blessing
Speaker: Nick Batzig Series: Exiled Topic: Sermons Verse: 1 Peter 3:8–12
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November 23, 2014
A Final Gospel Word
Series: Romans: The Power of the Gospel Topic: Sermons Verse: Romans 16:17–16:27
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November 16, 2014
Sojourning Spouses
Speaker: Nick Batzig Series: Exiled Topic: Sermons Verse: 1 Peter 3:1–7
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November 16, 2014
Gospel Union with Christ and the Church
Series: Romans: The Power of the Gospel Topic: Sermons Verse: Romans 16:1–16:16
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November 9, 2014
Gospel Journeying and Joy
Series: Romans: The Power of the Gospel Topic: Sermons Verse: Romans 15:22–15:33
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November 2, 2014
Sojourning Gospel-Conduct
Speaker: Nick Batzig Series: Exiled Topic: Sermons Verse: 1 Peter 2:11–17
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November 2, 2014
Gospel-Driven Mission to the Church and World
Series: Romans: The Power of the Gospel Topic: Sermons Verse: Romans 15:14–15:21
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October 26, 2014
Like a Living Stone
Speaker: Nick Batzig Series: Exiled Topic: Sermons Verse: 1 Peter 2:4–10
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October 26, 2014
Gospel Mercy Through Service
Series: Romans: The Power of the Gospel Topic: Sermons Verse: Romans 15:7–15:13
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October 19, 2014
Redemption Accomplished, Announced and Applied
Series: Midway Congregational Church Service Topic: Sermons Verse: 2 Corinthians 5:11–5:21
October 5, 2014
Gospel Liberty and Love
Series: Romans: The Power of the Gospel Topic: Sermons Verse: Romans 14:1–14:23
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September 28, 2014
Christ-Driven Holiness for Sojourning Children
Speaker: Nick Batzig Series: Exiled Topic: Sermons Verse: 1 Peter 1:13–21
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September 28, 2014
Gospel Debt and Dress
Series: Romans: The Power of the Gospel Topic: Sermons Verse: Romans 13:8–13:14
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September 21, 2014
Christ's Sufferings and Glories: Predicted and Proclaimed
Speaker: Nick Batzig Series: Exiled Topic: Sermons Verse: 1 Peter 1:10–12
September 21, 2014
Gospel and Government
Series: Romans: The Power of the Gospel Topic: Sermons Verse: Romans 13:1–13:7
September 14, 2014
A Gospel-Shaped Life
Series: Romans: The Power of the Gospel Topic: Sermons Verse: Romans 12:9–12:21
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September 7, 2014
Gospel Humility and Service
Series: Romans: The Power of the Gospel Topic: Sermons Verse: Romans 12:3–12:9
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September 7, 2014
Gospel Mercies for Suffering Sojourners
Speaker: Nick Batzig Series: Exiled Topic: Sermons Verse: 1 Peter 1:1–9
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August 17, 2014
Gospel Mercies for Living Sacrifices
Series: Romans: The Power of the Gospel Topic: Sermons Verse: Romans 12:1–12:2
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August 10, 2014
Public Worship (Part 2)
Speaker: Nick Batzig Series: Spheres of Worship Topic: Special Lectures Verse: Hebrews 12:18–29
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August 10, 2014
God's Mysterious Strategy in the Gospel
Series: Romans: The Power of the Gospel Topic: Sermons Verse: Romans 11:7–11:36
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August 3, 2014
The Remnant According to the Election of Grace and the Gospel
Series: Romans: The Power of the Gospel Topic: Sermons Verse: Romans 11:1–11:6
August 3, 2014
Public Worship (Part 1)
Speaker: Nick Batzig Series: Spheres of Worship Topic: Special Lectures Verse: Hebrews 12:18–24
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July 27, 2014
Family Worship (Part 3)
Speaker: Nick Batzig Series: Spheres of Worship Topic: Special Lectures Verse: Deuteronomy 6:4
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July 27, 2014
The Necessity of Preaching and Hearing the Gospel
Series: Romans: The Power of the Gospel Topic: Sermons Verse: Romans 10:14–10:21
July 20, 2014
Family Worship (Part 2)
Speaker: Nick Batzig Series: Spheres of Worship Topic: Special Lectures Verse: Ephesians 5:25– 6:4
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July 20, 2014
The Righteousness of Faith in the Gospel
Series: Romans: The Power of the Gospel Topic: Sermons Verse: Romans 10:1–10:13
July 13, 2014
Family Worship (Part 1)
Speaker: Nick Batzig Series: Spheres of Worship Topic: Special Lectures Verse: Ephesians 5:25– 6:4
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July 13, 2014
The Remnant and the Righteousness of Faith in the Gospel
Series: Romans: The Power of the Gospel Topic: Sermons Verse: Romans 9:22–9:33
July 6, 2014
Private Worship (Part 4)
Speaker: Nick Batzig Series: Spheres of Worship Topic: Sermons Verse: Matthew 6:9–13
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July 6, 2014
The Electing Grace of God and the Gospel (Part 2)
Series: Romans: The Power of the Gospel Topic: Sermons Verse: Romans 9:14–9:23
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June 29, 2014
Private Worship (Part 3)
Speaker: Nick Batzig Series: Spheres of Worship Topic: Special Lectures Verse: Luke 10:38–42
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June 29, 2014
The Electing Grace of God and the Gospel
Series: Romans: The Power of the Gospel Topic: Sermons Verse: Romans 9:6–9:18
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June 22, 2014
A Grief-Stricken, Missionary-Heart in the Gospel
Series: Romans: The Power of the Gospel Topic: Sermons Verse: Romans 9:1–9:5
June 22, 2014
Private Worship (Part 2)
Speaker: Nick Batzig Series: Spheres of Worship Topic: Special Lectures Verse: Luke 10:38–42
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June 15, 2014
Private Worship (Part 1)
Speaker: Nick Batzig Series: Spheres of Worship Topic: Special Lectures Verse: Luke 10:38–42
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June 1, 2014
The Guarantee of Gospel Security
Series: Romans: The Power of the Gospel Topic: Sermons Verse: Romans 8:31–8:39
May 25, 2014
Two Kingdoms Theology
Series: A Tale of Two Kingdoms Topic: Special Lectures Verse: Hebrews 11:32–11:40
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May 25, 2014
The "All-Things-For-Good" of the Gospel
Series: Romans: The Power of the Gospel Topic: Sermons Verse: Romans 8:28–8:30
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May 18, 2014
Three Gospel Groanings
Series: Romans: The Power of the Gospel Topic: Sermons Verse: Romans 8:18–8:27
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May 18, 2014
Series: A Tale of Two Kingdoms Topic: Special Lectures Verse: 2 Corinthians 10:3–10:6
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May 11, 2014
Theonomy (Part 2)
Series: A Tale of Two Kingdoms Topic: Special Lectures Verse: 1 Corinthians 5:6–5:13
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May 11, 2014
The Indwelling Spirit of the Son and the Gospel
Series: Romans: The Power of the Gospel Topic: Sermons Verse: Romans 8:9–8:17
May 4, 2014
Theonomy (part 1)
Series: A Tale of Two Kingdoms Topic: Special Lectures Verse: Galatians 3:10–3:14
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May 4, 2014
The Life-Giving Spirit and the Gospel
Series: Romans: The Power of the Gospel Topic: Sermons Verse: Romans 5:5–5:8
April 20, 2014
The Condemnation Removing Gospel
Series: Romans: The Power of the Gospel Topic: Sermons Verse: Romans 8:1–8:4
April 20, 2014
Redemption Appointed
Series: Redemption Appointed Topic: Special Lectures Verse: John 1:1–1:14
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April 13, 2014
But Remember...
Series: Theology of the Book of Hebrews Topic: Sermons Verse: Hebrews 10:32–10:36
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April 13, 2014
A Tale of Two Kingdoms: Historical Introduction
Series: A Tale of Two Kingdoms Topic: Special Lectures Verse: Hebrews 13:14
April 6, 2014
Indwelling Sin and the Gospel
Series: Romans: The Power of the Gospel Topic: Sermons Verse: Romans 7:14–7:25
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March 30, 2014
The Gospel-Preparing Work of the Law in the Heart of Sinners
Series: Romans: The Power of the Gospel Topic: Sermons Verse: Romans 7:7–7:14
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March 23, 2014
The Spiritual Remarriage of the Gospel
Series: Romans: The Power of the Gospel Topic: Sermons Verse: Romans 7:1–7:6
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March 16, 2014
The Righteousness-Enslaving Power of the Gospel
Series: Romans: The Power of the Gospel Topic: Sermons Verse: Romans 6:15–6:23
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March 9, 2014
The Bondage Breaking Power of the Gospel
Series: Romans: The Power of the Gospel Topic: Sermons Verse: Romans 6:1–6:11
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March 9, 2014
The Doctrines of Grace
Series: Inquirer's Class Audio Topic: Special Lectures Verse: Ephesians 1:3–5
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February 28, 2014
Jonathan Edwards' Christology of the Song of Songs
Topic: Special Lectures Verse: Song of Solomon 1:3
February 23, 2014
Covenant Theology
Series: Inquirer's Class Audio Topic: Special Lectures Verse: Romans 5:6–11
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February 23, 2014
The Mechanics of the Gospel
Series: Romans: The Power of the Gospel Topic: Sermons Verse: Romans 5:12–5:21
February 16, 2014
The Lord's Supper
Series: Inquirer's Class Audio Topic: Special Lectures Verse: 1 Corinthians 11:17–34
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February 16, 2014
The Noahic Covenant and Redemptive History
Series: Covenant Theology Topic: Special Lectures Verse: Genesis 5:28–9:23
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February 16, 2014
The Much More of the Gospel
Series: Romans: The Power of the Gospel Topic: Sermons Verse: Romans 5:6–5:11
February 9, 2014
Gospel Fruit
Series: Romans: The Power of the Gospel Topic: Sermons Verse: Romans 5:1–5
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February 2, 2014
The Trinity and the Person of Christ
Series: Inquirer's Class Audio Topic: Special Lectures
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February 2, 2014
Gospel Promises
Series: Romans: The Power of the Gospel Topic: Sermons Verse: Romans 4:13–4:25
January 26, 2014
Gospel Timing
Speaker: New Cov Pres PCA Series: Romans: The Power of the Gospel Topic: Sermons
January 19, 2014
Requirements for Church Membership
Series: Inquirer's Class Audio Topic: Special Lectures Verse: Acts 8:26–40
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January 19, 2014
The Gospel: Always By Faith
Series: Romans: The Power of the Gospel Topic: Sermons Verse: Romans 4:1–4:8
January 12, 2014
The Implications of the Gospel
Series: Romans: The Power of the Gospel Topic: Sermons Verse: Romans 3:27–4:4
January 5, 2014
The Church and Church Membership
Series: Inquirer's Class Audio Topic: Special Lectures Verse: Matthew 16:13–20
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January 5, 2014
The Gracious Provision of the Gospel
Series: Romans: The Power of the Gospel Topic: Sermons Verse: Romans 3:21–3:26