- Sing Your Heart Out
- 6 Ways to Become a Welcoming Church
- 7 Wrong Reasons for Joinging a Church
- "Top Down" or "Grass Roots" Ministry
- 7 Characteristics of Spiritually Beneficial Friendships
- The Race is Not to the Swift
- Working on Learning to Rest
- The Rare Jewel of Christian Commitment
- Perspective is Key
- The Dangers and Duties of Confessing Sin to One Another
- The Theological Driver Seat and a M-16
- Time for a Spirit Check
- Teaching One Another In...
- Back to School, Back to the Bible
- Don't Waste Your Grill
- Stipulations for Mercy Ministry
- Contentment in the Ministry
- The Gracious Judgment of Charity
- The Theology and Practice of the Lord's Supper
- The Importance of Time Management
- 7 Ways to Avoid Becoming a Pastoral Ideologue
- How Jesus Confronted and Corrected Others
- 5 Reasons to Join (Or Not Join) a Church Plant Near You
- Why We Fear Grace
- The Internet: The Great Evangelical, Op-Ed Tabloid
- A Church's Coming of Age
- Ministering to the Mobile
- Dividends and Drawbacks of Small Groups
- Marks of Orthodoxy?
- A Multiplicity of Mentors
- Nothing Should Surprise Us
- Trusting Christ to Provide
- 7 Areas of Unbiblical Conscience Binding
- 5 Reasons to Keep the Kids in
- Teaching Our Children the Raw Parts of Scripture
- Sophisticated Temples of Modern Idolarty
- Redeeming our Reading
- Grace and Wisdom for Mercy Ministry
- A Tribute to R.C. Sproul
- Social Sin, Social Media, and Social Interaction
- Overcoming Discouragement in Ministry
- Grown-Up Churches in an Age of Adolescence
- Jesus: The Measure of a Man
- Particle Board Preaching
- "...And Everything Else Will Follow"
- Communicating and Connecting in Ministry
- An Angel's View of Christmas
- Deacons and the Poor in the Church
- Until We Contemplate the Face of God
- Plagiarizing and Quoting in Preaching
- Not-So-Great Expectations
- Church Planting Mathematics: 10 x 100 > 1 x 1000?
- The Blessing of Teaching the Children
- Giving and Receiving Criticism in Ministry
- A Marathon Mentality for Ministry
- 5 Rules of Social Media Engagement
- An Ides of March for Every Ceasar
- Unity in Multi-Categorical Diversity in the Church
- Ecclesiastical Antinomianism
- Tuned in Parents on the Technological Frontier
- Refuting Theological Error
- Jesus Loves Me, This I Know