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The Deliverer Revealed (Gen. 45)

Rev. Batzig is currently preaching a sermon series on the book of Genesis. The title of the series is, "Genesis: From Creation to New Creation." You will be able to find all the audio and video from the series below:


The Beginning of Everything (Gen. 1:1-5)

The Birth and Blessing of Everything (Gen. 1:1-1:27)

What is Man? (Gen. 1:26-2:9)

The Day and God of Rest (Gen. 2:1-4)

God and Man in the Garden (Gen. 2:4-17)

A Match Made in Heaven (Gen. 2:18-25)

An Enemy Within the Gates (Gen. 3:1-7)

Fallen (Part 1) (Gen. 3:6-24)

Fallen (Part 2) (Gen. 3:9-24)

East of Eden (Gen. 3:20-24)

Two Sons, Two Sacrifices, Two Seeds (Gen. 4:1-6)

The Blood and the Ground (Gen. 4:8-16) 

A Tale of Two Cities (Gen. 4:17-26)

Gracelines (Gen. 5:1-18)

Sin, Sentence and Salvation (Gen. 6:1-8)

Salvation Through Judgment (Gen. 6:8-9:17).

A Continuing Tale of Two Seeds (Gen. 9:18-10:32)

A Continuing Tale of Two Cities (Poor audio quality) (Gen. 11.1-32) 

The Call and Promise of Grace (Gen. 11:27-12:9)

Out of Egypt (Gen. 12:10-20)

By Faith, Not by Sight (Gen. 13:1-18)

The Great Deliverance (Gen. 14:1-16) 

Melchize-Who? (Gen. 14:17-21)

Safety and Satisfaction in Christ (Gen. 15:1-6)

The Folly of the Flesh and the Promises of God (Gen. 16)

The Mark of the Lamb (Gen. 17)

Abraham's Priestly Prayer (Gen. 18:16-33)

Run For Your Life (Gen. 19)

Failure and Fulfillment (Gen. 20:1-21:6)

The Rejection and Reception of Grace (Gen. 21:7-34)

The Father Sacrifices the Son (Gen. 22)

The Burial of Faith (Gen. 23)

A Bride for the Covenant Son (Gen. 24)

Blessing for the Covenant Son (Gen. 25:1-26)

The Sovereign Grace of God in the Dysfunctional Covenant Family (Gen. 25:19-28)

Covenant Blessing for a Bowl of Soup (Gen. 25:29-35)

Blessings Confirmed to the Covenant Son (Gen. 26:1-35)

Blessings for Curses (Gen. 27:1-46)

Stairway to Heaven (Gen. 28:1-22)

A Knotty Marriage (Gen. 29:1-35)

Idol Relations (Gen. 29:31-30:4)

Deal-Maker/Deal-Breaker (Gen. 30:25-31:55)

Divine Wrestlings (Gen. 32:1-32:32)

Peaceful Relations (Gen. 33:1-20)

The Church and the World (Gen. 34:1-34:31)

Coming Home to God (Gen. 35:1-29)

God's Grace to the Greatest of Sinners (Gen. 38:1-30)

When the Lord is With Us... (Gen. 39:1-23)

Prepared by Suffering (Gen. 39:20-40:23)

Go to the Exalted Deliverer! (Gen. 41:1-57)

God Moves in a Mysterious Way (Gen. 42:1-38)

The Tests of Faith (Gen. 43:1-44:34)

The Deliverer Revealed (Gen. 45:1-28)

Together in a Foreign Land (Gen. 46:1-47:27)

Dying in Faith (Part 1) (Gen. 47:28-48:22)

Dying in Faith (Part 2) (Gen. 48:29-50:26)