- The Sin-Bearing, Curse Removing Second Adam
- The Sin-Bearing, Curse Removing True Israel
- The Obedience of the Second Adam and True Israel
- A Biblical Theology of Food and Drink
- A Biblical Theology of Burial
- A Biblical Theology of Time
- A Biblical Theology of Locusts
- A Biblical Theology of Mountains
- A Biblical Theology of the Tribe of Judah
- A Biblical Theology of Light and Darkness
- A Biblical Theology of Exile and Restoration in the OT Prophets
- A Biblical Theology of Burial
- A Biblical Theology of the Trees of the Garden
- A Biblical Theology of Clothing
- The Cursed and Blessed Ground - A Biblical Theology of the Ground
- The Curse Reversed
- A Brief Redemptive History of Animals
- A Match Made in Heaven
- The Reciprocal Wisdom of Proverbs 31
- Father-to-Son Talks
- 6 Thoughts on Sacred Space
- 7 Thoughts on Sacred Time
- A Divine Division
- The Theological Significance of the Eighth Day
- The New Creation Spirit of Christmas
- The Son Hung on a Tree (A Biblical Theology of Trees)
- The Noahic Covenant and Redemptive History
- The Righteous One of Psalm 1
- Jesus: True Israel of the First Gospel
- Jesus: The Breath of Life
- Jesus: Antitypical Sojourner and Exile in a Foreign Land (A Biblical Theology of Sojourning)
- Everlasting Types and Ordinances of the Everlasting Christ
- Christological Principles of Typology
- Old Testament Personal Types and Shadows of Christ
- The Clean for the Unclean (A Bblical Theology of Ceremonial Cleansing)
- Holy War Jesus-Style (Tabletalk)
- The Idol Crushing King (Tabletalk)
- The Resurrection Power of Jesus
- Gospel Justice
- Symbols of Christ in the Wilderness
- Christ and the Tent in the Wilderness
- The Ark of the Covenant and the Empty Tomb
- The Ark of the Covenant (Tabletalk)
- The Last of the Levites
- The Firstborn, the Levites, Substitution and the Redemption Money
- The Presence of God Promised and Typified in the Death of Jacob and Joseph
- Boaz: The Law-Keeping/Debt-Paying Redeemer
- The Aroma of Christ
- The Circumcision of Christ
- On the Sabbath, Ceremonial Sabbaths, the Lord's Day and the Day of the LORD
- The Parable of Three Lost Sons
- The God Who Loves Finished Work
- The Wisdom of the Son (Seeing Christ in the Proverbs)
- A Covenantal Approach to the Song of Songs
- The Songs of the Son (Seeing Christ in the Psalms)
- A Law-Keeping Redeemer is Born
- The Serpent on the Pole and the Cross of Christ
- Jesus, the True and Greater Gardener
- Jesus' Ark
- The God of Typological Recapitulation
- Eternalizing the Old Testament
- The Symbolism of the Rainbow
- Baptized with the Transgressors
- Guardian Angels?
- A Sense of the Love of Christ
- Four Gospels?
- Vos on Old Testament Thophanies
- Grace Is a Person
- Christ, The Tree of Life
- Grace Is a Gift
- The Internal Witness of Scripture
- Our Shield and Reward
- Cities of Refuge
- A Mountain Range Christmas
- God Has Spoken
- The Role of the Spirit in the Life of Christ
- Jonathan Edwards on Adam and the Tree of Life
- The Offices of Christ and the Marks of the Church